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Chinese Herbal Medicine Store
The traditional Chinese herbal medicine has a history of 5,000 years, The study found that Chinese herbal medicine can help blood circulation (energy, liquid and food), conditioning yin and yang balance (cold / hot, wet / dry, etc.) has a unique effect. It is our Natural Healthy herbs site to provide customers with a platform of understanding and the use of Chinese herbs, and also provide a way for people who need to keep fit.
Natural Healthy herbs company providing customers with all-natural and healthy herbs in the United States which is including most medical herb : herbal formulas, natural tea, ginseng, acupuncture supplies, acupuncture needles, plaster, oil for pain & traditional herbs and cream .
Anyone who has a cold, fever, headache, insomnia, anxiety and trouble to sleep, blood sugar, cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. symptoms, just log on to our Web site, can be found in proprietary Chinese medicines to adapt to a variety of symptoms.
If the items that you want to order are unavailable in our websites, please feel Free to call or email us, we will do our best to your needs.
Please remember our website: www.naturalhealthyherbs.com
Size: 10 capsules/box
Size: 100 pcs / Box
Indications Sanjiao fever, red eyes and pain, mouth and nose sores, sore throat, upset, thirst, yellow urine and constipation
Helps promote gastrointestinal health and intestinal function
Size: 60 tablets / Bottle
Helps to nourish the kidneys and liver
Considered to help support the healthy function of the back, bladder and joints
Size: 20 herbal teabags / box
Net Wt
: 1,40 oz (38G)
Buy Natural & Organic Herbs, Chinese Herbal Medicines Store Online
Helps to nourish the kidneys and liver
Considered to help support the healthy function of the back, bladder and joints
Size: 20 herbal teabags / box
Net Wt
: 1,40 oz (38G)
Use for weakness or pain in lower back, insomnia, burning in soles or palms, dizziness,tinnitus,sore throat,tidal fever,nocturnal emission, night perspiration,heat sensation in the palm and soles, toothache, mouth dry and high blood pressure due to kidney yin
Net Wt: 360 Pills / bottle
Use in chronic sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism
It is also a good kidney Qi tonic for aging patients
Effective for lower back pain, hepatic and nephritic weakness and consumption, lumbocrural pains, lumbar muscular strain, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, hypertrophic or product
For menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats
Size: 60 Softgels / Each box
Use for alternating fever and chills,bitter fullness in the chest and rib-side,bitterness of the mouth and dry pharynx
Net Wt: 1
41 OZ( 4g X 6packets)
suitable for any hair and also reduce hair loss with alopecia areata Size: 400ml / Bottle
Can also be used for body and hair washing and decontamination
No Animal Fats / No Chemicals / No Artificial Colors Size: 5 oz
/ Each Bar
Size: 10 capsules/box
The Condom material moves with the motion of sex while micro-ribbing slowly builds stimulating friction
Size: 52mm X 160mm 10 Counts/ Each Box
Helps to nourish the kidneys and liver
Considered to help support the healthy function of the back, bladder and joints
Size: 20 herbal teabags / box
Net Wt
: 1,40 oz (38G)
Remove dampness and detumescence, treat dampness and paralysis, clear heat and discharge pus, strengthen spleen and stomach
Size: 10g x 10 packets
Used for constipation, detox cleaning, loss weight
Size: 18 tea bags Net Wt
88 OZ / 53
Size: 20 Capsules
Net Wt: 200 Pills/ Bottle
Clearing Plague and Detoxifying, Xuanfei Xiere
It is used to treat influenza as a fever poisoning lung
Symptoms include fever or high fever, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, cough, headache, dry throat and sore throat, reddish tongue, yellow or yellow greasy
Size: 24 Cap
Use in chronic sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism
It is also a good kidney Qi tonic for aging patients
Effective for lower back pain, hepatic and nephritic weakness and consumption, lumbocrural pains, lumbar muscular strain, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, hypertrophic or product
The discomforts are : thirst, edema, heaviness sensation in limb, oliguria , vomiting after drinking wagter, diarrhea, vomiting immediately after the intake of water, difficulty in urination
Size: 80 Capsules / Each Box
For a person with low body resistance and deficiency of vital energy
Size: 80 Capsules / Box
In addition, it also has the effect of intestinal laxation
remove toxic heat, reduce heat in blood
Net WT: 4
90 OZ
/140g (14 g X 10 Sachets)
Size: 12 Capsules
It is often used during radiation treatment to prevent and/or soothe radiation burns
can be used on sunburns or other burns
The herbs in this cream will soothe the skin, cool the burn, and promote healing
Serving Size: 1
06 oz
(30g) / Bottle
Clearing Plague and Detoxifying, Xuanfei Xiere
It is used to treat influenza as a fever poisoning lung
Symptoms include fever or high fever, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, cough, headache, dry throat and sore throat, reddish tongue, yellow or yellow greasy
Size: 24 Cap