
Edema & Swelling

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URI Tract Care  (606 Xiao Yan Capsule) 10 Capsules
URI Tract Care (606 Xiao Yan Capsule) 10 Capsules
urinary system infection, urethra sting, colpitis, urethritis, scrofula etc. Net Wt: 10 Capsules (300mg Each) ..
Price: $6.50
Nephritic Care(Xi Zang Shen Yan Ning)
Nephritic Care(Xi Zang Shen Yan Ning)
Use for clearing kidney heat, diuresis, Suitable for nephritis, frequent micturition or anuria, bloody urine and urethra concretion. Net Wt: 24 capsules/box ..
Price: $11.99
Golden Book Tea Pills  (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan) 200 pills
Golden Book Tea Pills (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan) 200 pills
For a person with kidney Yang (vital function)deficiency, dysuria, frequent urination and nocturia. Size: 200 pills / bottle.(160mg /each) ...
Price: $7.00
Nepherb Tea Extract (Shen Yan Niao Du Qing) 5g X 12 Packets"LOW SUGAR"
Nepherb Tea Extract (Shen Yan Niao Du Qing) 5g X 12 Packets"LOW SUGAR"
Herbal tea help promote and maintain a healthy urinary system by establishing the body’s natural balance. Nephritis, edema, poor kidney function, detoxification, toxin cleaning, urinary system Size: 12 Bags / Box (5g each)..
Price: $6.50
Kong Acid (Jiang Suan Jiao Nang)  "Acid Metabolic Solution" 60 Capsules
Kong Acid (Jiang Suan Jiao Nang) "Acid Metabolic Solution" 60 Capsules
It helps Acid-base balance, reduce the levels of URIC ACID to relieve pain and discomfort from Gout. Size: 60 Capsules/ Bottle.(585mg/ each) ..
$45.00 $43.50
Achyranthes & Salvia Combo (Niao Suan Ping) "48 Capsules"
Achyranthes & Salvia Combo (Niao Suan Ping) "48 Capsules"
Use for regulating the acute gout, arthritis and rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, slipped disc etc. Net Wt: 48 Capsules (400mg Each) ..
Price: $6.95
URI Tract Support (Ye Niao Ting)   120 Pills
URI Tract Support (Ye Niao Ting) 120 Pills
For involuntary passage of urine and urinary diseases, Use for Weak kidney, impotence, neurasthenia, rheumatic pain, numbness,Net Weight: 1,06OZ (30g) 120pills / bottle..
Price: $7.95
Zheng Gui Shui Liniment External Analgesic  –  Small  30ml
Zheng Gui Shui Liniment External Analgesic – Small 30ml
Sports Pain Relief Liquid Simple backache / Sprains / Strains / Bruises / Arthritis Use for new and/or old injuries from falls, rheumatic impediment pain, sinew and bone pain, contusion and accumulating stasis, lumbar and back pain. Size: 1.00 oz. (30 ML) / Bottle ..
Price: $7.75
Zheng Gui Shui Liniment External Analgesic  –  Appucation  80ml
Zheng Gui Shui Liniment External Analgesic – Appucation 80ml
Sports Pain Relief Liquid Simple backache / Sprains / Strains / Bruises / Arthritis Use for new and/or old injuries from falls, rheumatic impediment pain, sinew and bone pain, contusion and accumulating stasis, lumbar and back pain. Size: 3.00 oz. (80 ML) / Bottle ..
Price: $16.75
Water Balance Decoction ( Wu Ling San )  80 Capsules
Water Balance Decoction ( Wu Ling San ) 80 Capsules
For a person with interior accumulation of water and exterior symptomcomplex. The discomforts are : thirst, edema, heaviness sensation in limb, oliguria , vomiting after drinking wagter, diarrhea, vomiting immediately after the intake of water, difficulty in urination. Size: 80 Capsules / Each Box..
Price: $7.50
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