Liver Disease
Your liver is the largest organ in your body. It is also one of the most important because of it plays an essential role in turning food into energy, and removing poisons from the blood.
A liver disease is a collection of conditions, disorders, and infections that affect the cells, structures, and tissues of the liver, causing liver damage or stops liver functioning altogether.
Hai Ma Jian Shen Wan (Sea Horse Bushing Wan) 120 Pills“Great Wall Brand”
Use for nourishes the kidney Yang, lack of sexual drive or impotence, tiredness,cold limbs or lower back pain.
Net Wt: 120 pills/ bottle.
Price: $13.00
Astragalus ( Huang Qi / Bei Qi ) 1 LB
Astragalus Root is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.
It has many purported health benefits, including immune-boosting, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects.
Size: 1 LB / Bag..
Price: $19.50
Kang Yuan (Liver and Kidney Support) 50 Soft Gels
Use for improving the functions of the liver, lungs, kidneys & heart. It's also improve the physical constitution, keeping the skin smooth, as well as having anti-aging effects,
Size: 50 Soft Gels /Box..
Price: $41.99
Melatonin ( Nao Bai Jing) 60Tablets
Melatonin helps our bodies keep in sync with the rhythms of day and night. Thus melatonin helps regulate sleep.Melatonin is a pharmaceutical grade, purified naturally secreted from the pineal gland. It should only be taken at night for optimal results. also supports the health and function of the nervous system.
Serving Size: 60Tablets / Bottle ..
Price: $5.50
Specific Lumbaglin (Te Xiao Yao Tong Ling) 24 Capsules
Use for wind cold damp Bi syndrome affecting lower back and legs, causing slow gait, stiff knees, and weak lower back. Use in chronic sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism. It is also a good kidney Qi tonic for aging patients. Effective for lower back pain, hepatic and nephritic weakness and consumption, lumbocrural pains, lumbar muscular strain, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, hypertrophic or product..
Price: $8.75
Codonopsis Root & Ophiopogon Tuber ( Sheng Mai Yin ) Low Suger 10 Bottles
To replenish the qi, restore the normal pulse, nourish yin and promote the production of body fluid. Use for deficiency of qi and yin marked by cardiac palpitation, shortness of breath, scarcely perceptible pulse and spontaneous sweating.
Size: 10ml X 10 bottles Net wt : 3.50 floz..
Price: $12.50
Alaska Omega 369 Deep Sea Fish Oil 200 Softgels
Use for prevent arteriosclerosis, High cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and poor circulation.
Size: 200 Softgel (1000 mg)...
Price: $12.99
Liver Aid Recommemded By Pharmacists (Gan Bao) 180 Tablets
Use for protect acute or chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis and toxic liver damage in the crowd.
Net Wt: 180- Tablets/ bottle...
Price: $27.50
Isatis Root Granules(Ban Lan Gen Tea (Royal king Brand)Low Sugar 10 packets
Detoxification, cooling blood swelling is the heat toxin and body hit .100% Natural.
Low Sugar / High Concentrated
No caffeine / No preservatives / No additives
10 g X 10 Packets
Price: $6.50
Water Balance Decoction ( Wu Ling San ) 80 Capsules
For a person with interior accumulation of water and exterior symptomcomplex. The discomforts are : thirst, edema, heaviness sensation in limb, oliguria , vomiting after drinking wagter, diarrhea, vomiting immediately after the intake of water, difficulty in urination.
Size: 80 Capsules / Each Box..
Price: $7.50
Liver Care No.1 (Gan De Zhi) 60 Capsules
Liver Care No-1 helps maintain & promote liver's vitality and general health, also dissipating heat, detoxifying, strengthening spleen and liver.
Size: 60 Capsules / bottle. ..
Price: $9.50
Huang Lian Shang Qing Pian ( Captidis Camlination Extract) “Great Wall” Brand (96Tables)
Clears heat, drains fire, resolves toxins, dispels pathogenic wind, frees the stool, benefits the eyes, opens the orifices, relieves pain. Relieve Fire, Dispel Wind-Heat, Clear Wind-Heat, Promote bowel movement
Size: 96 Tablets 12-8 Tablets Vials..
Price: $15.50
Bupleurum Root Tea (Xiao Chai Hu Ke Li ) 10g X 9 Packets
In crease liver Qi, Balance the blood, regulate digestion, relieves pain, liver Qi and blood balance, depression, premenstrual syndrome, tiredness. Use for alternating fever and chills,bitter fullness in the chest and rib-side,bitterness of the mouth and dry pharynx.
Net Wt: 3.18 OZ( 10g X 9 packets)
Price: $9.50
Specific Lumbaglin (Te Xiao Yao Tong Ling) 60 Capsules (New Looking)
Use for wind cold damp Bi syndrome affecting lower back and legs, causing slow gait, stiff knees, and weak lower back. Use in chronic sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism. It is also a good kidney Qi tonic for aging patients. Effective for lower back pain, hepatic and nephritic weakness and consumption, lumbocrural pains, lumbar muscular strain, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, hypertrophic or product..
Price: $12.99
Lung Tan Xie Gan Pill (Long Dan Xie Gan Wan ) / (Gentanae Tea Pills) 100 Pills
Use for upwards flaring of liver fire causing headache, red and burning eyes, fever blisters on the mouth, acute cholecystitis, acute hepatitis with jaundice,etc.
Size: 100 pills /bottle...
Price: $8.50
Jujube Seed Decoction ( Suan Zao Ren Tang) 120 Pills
Helps to sleeping patterns and aids in maintaining the health of the blood and the heart. also supports the health and function of the nervous system.
Serving Size: 120 Pills / Box Model:SZR253..
Price: $7.25
Liver Well Care (Xi Zang Gan sheng)
Use for liver pain and swelling, cholecystitis, early icteric hepatitis.
Net wt: 36 Capsules/box..
Price: $11.99
Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsule (lian hua qing wen jiao nang) 24 Capsules
Lianhua Qingwen Capsule (lian hua qing wen jiao nang) Clear Heat, reduce inflammation, eliminate swelling, relieve pain. Clearing Plague and Detoxifying, Xuanfei Xiere. It is used to treat influenza as a fever poisoning lung. Symptoms include fever or high fever, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, cough, headache, dry throat and sore throat, reddish tongue, yellow or yellow greasy.
Size: 24 Cap..
Price: $8.50
Royal Jelly (Feng Ru Jing) 500mg
Superfood of the queen bee.Use for strengthening and fortifying body, nourishing and moistening the skin, mental or physical weakness, poor appetite and increasing the immune system.
Size: 120 Softgels/Bottle. 500mg / Each Sogtgel..
Price: $19.75
Sensor Tea Extract (Er Ming Zuo Ci Wan) 200 Pills
Hearing disorders such as tinnitus, partial but not complete deafness (sensori-neural) which is due to Deficient Kidney Yin and relativmg me Excess Yang, may have symptoms of dizziness or vertigo. Poor vision or blurred vision due to Deficient Kidney Yin and Deficient Liver Yin. Nourish Yin, hide the Liver Yang.
Size: 200 pills (160mg Each) NET WT: 1.13 oz. (32g)..
Price: $7.00